We proudly announce the general availability of SLASCONE 2.1, with the following highlights:


  • Licensing Core
    • Goodwill Devices: SLASCONE allows you to control the number of devices (physical installations) allowed by a license. Let’s assume a video or music streaming service, whose vendor wants to avoid shared accounts. With SLASCONE the vendor can set the number of allowed devices to 3, preventing a 4th device from using the service. In order to avoid a poor customer experience resulting from such a ‘hard-cut’, SLASCONE 2.1 introduces ‘soft’ limits with Goodwill devices. In our example, the vendor can switch from 3 to 3 + 1 (Goodwill) devices. Goodwill devices constitute a ‘yellow zone’, in which the client is under-licensed but can still use the software. SLASCONE provides a quick overview/analysis of activated Goodwill devices, enabling vendors to react e.g., by issuing a warning after the activation of a Goodwill device or by emailing affected customers.
    • Upgrade Compliance: Until now, vendors were able to set an expiration date to prevent a perpetual usage of the software. However there are cases in which the customer is allowed to perpetually use software Version X, but not Version X+1. In order to address such scenarios, SLASCONE 2.1 licenses carry an optional maximum software release information, which indicates the latest purchased version. Once an installation is upgraded to a not purchased version, SLASCONE returns a corresponding warning/error.
    • Heartbeat Frequency and Freeride Period: These fields can be now set in the license template, regulating not only how often the devices communicate with SLASCONE, but an additional tolerance (freeride) period, in case of a failed heartbeat.
  • Analytics
    • Analytical Heartbeats: Analytical heartbeats is an optional feature, providing an elegant way to collect client data, that do not necessarily affect the licensing process. Analytical heartbeats can be used to collect any kind of data such as temperature, CPU Utilization, session metrics etc.
    • AVG/Median for numerical limitations: Limitations are numerical fields used as application restriction, e.g., number of maximum users. SLASCONE 2.1 adds to the existing distribution chart, the average and median limitation information, providing quick insights that can facilitate product management decisions.
    • Customer Type: SLASCONE 2.1 allows the definition of customer types, such as enterprise, prospect, internal/test, reseller. This classification is crucial for analytical purposes, since for example you normally want to exclude internal/test licenses from your base data.
  • Application Roles: SLASCONE 2.1 introduces 4  new application roles:
    • Global Administrator: Access to everything.
    • Service Administrator: Access to everything, except User Administration.
    • License Creator: Can add/edit customers and licenses. Cannot change product definitions or product templates.
    • Viewer: Can view license and product analytics (dashboard).



Register to our Argus Demo Vendor now in order to experience SLASCONE 2.1 live.